Medical consultation is the first stage of investigation undertaken by the doctor in the development of a diagnosis and the adequate treatment of the patient. It consists of a meeting between a general practitioner or specialist and the patient in a dedicated space, often within the framework of a medical office. During this interview, the doctor usually proceeds step by step:
- Reception of the patient and consultation of the medical file
- Questioning and general examination of the patient
- Examination of the patient’s symptoms
- Complementary examination prescription if necessary
- Diagnosis and prescription of treatment
The clinic Avicenne has 10 consultation rooms, 5 of which welcome patients on the 1st floor with or without an appointment, 3 are dedicated to the Avicenne ART center, 1 room reserved for the endoscopy department and 1 for the maternity ward.
During the clinical examination, the doctor consults the patient and collects the first data, for example:
- Age, marital status, occupation, weight, height
- Reason for consultation
- Symptoms felt
- Family history (e.g. allergy, Down’s syndrome, diabetes, breast cancer)
- Personal history: medical and surgical
In the field of gynecology, the specialist may request more information about the patient such as:
- Cycle problems: Disrupted cycle / dates of last periods
- Current treatment (s) and contraception followed
- Number of pregnancies, miscarriages, abortion
- Monitoring of the pregnant patient and the pregnancy (fetus).
At this stage, the doctor establishes a differential diagnosis (scanning for possible leads). In order to make a more reliable final diagnosis, additional examinations are often requested by the specialist in addition to clinical examination. These additional examinations will call on other medical services such as:
- Biological examinations (assessment): carried out in the biological analysis laboratory
- Radiological examinations: medical imaging service
- Invasive or minimally invasive examinations such as endoscopy (medical visual exploration), laparoscopy or hysteroscopy, which can be performed in the endoscopy center or in the operating room of the clinic.
Among these additional examinations requested, the doctor may ask for example:
- Pelvic ultrasound
- Tissue samples (or smears from the vagina and cervix)
- Urine analysis
- Hormonal dosages
- Blood test (control of cycle regularity and diagnosis of possible infertility)
- Mammography
The results and reports of these examinations are then sent by the concerned department to the attending physician. The latter can then establish during a new consultation a final diagnosis that will be more reliable, as well as the prescription of an adequate treatment.
The clinic Avicenne is constantly striving to optimize the patient’s health journey in order to offer the most pleasant possible experience in complete safety and in the best conditions. Our team of qualified doctors and nursing staff are at your disposal to answer all your questions and are available from Saturday to Thursday to ensure you an optimal care.