The Avicenne Breast Imaging Center is a space dedicated exclusively to women. The center focuses on breast medicine and more specifically in the detection and treatment of diseases related to the female breast. This area of medicine is also called senology.
Our center has state-of-the-art equipment for mammography and ultrasound to ensure you the best possible results. Our medical and nursing teams will support you in every step of your mammography examination, and remain at your disposal at all times and available to answer any questions relating to this type of examination.
There are two types of circumstances in which a mammography is performed: as part of a screening or during a diagnosis. Currently mammography is the best method of detecting breast cancer, which is often not detectable during palpitation of the breasts.
Screening mammography is strongly recommended for women aged 50 to 75, in order to have a better chance of detecting small size abnormalities that are not visible and not detectable on palpation earlier.
The average mammography exam lasts 15 minutes.
During a complete breast assessment, an additional 20 to 30 minutes on average are needed to complete the assessment with an ultrasound and a clinical examination performed by the radiologist.